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Product Information

Learn more about Imbōdhi Products and how to care for them

Where are your Products Crafted?

At IMBŌDHI, we're passionate about sourcing, and it's not just about style – it's about sustainability. Our commitment to crafting clean, sustainable, and high-quality activewear begins with our fabric selection, and the journey starts in the vibrant

How do we choose our fabrics and why does it matter?

At IMBŌDHI, our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility extends to the very heart of our products – the fabrics we use. We firmly believe that our choices today can shape a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for the

How do I care for my jumpers/jumpsuits?

Our sustainable clothing is made with love from plant-based material (rather than plastic-ridden synthetics) that requires just a little extra care. We recommend washing your IMBŌDHI by hand and hang drying. Short on time?. Machine wash your IMBŌDHI:

How do I remove stains from my clothing?

For the stain, we recommend that you soak it in a solution of warm water and a little bit of dish soap. You can also spot-treat it with baking soda. Allow it to soak until the stain is loose and easy to remove.

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